Round 2-1/2


So, to recap:

  1. Tried Site Origins Page Builder and Post Loop widget, couldn’t get that to work
  2. Toolset clashed with the Baskerville theme, couldn’t get that approach to work

A New Plan

So, I devised a new plan. I would use Toolset’s starter theme, which is based on bootstrap and guaranteed to play nice with the rest of the Toolset.

However, remember earlier when I had resolved to honour the choices and good work of Santi. This resolve was still strong.

So, I thought, what I will do is recreate the look, presentation and behaviour of Anders Noren’s theme in the starter theme and credit Anders back.



Well the WordPresseratti are no doubt somewhere between a spit-take and a unscheduled trip to the loo.

I spent hours. Tore Ander’s css stylesheet down, the bootstrap stylesheet down, and did my best to combine them. I chopped them up into little bits and tried to put them back together again in SASS.

The look was starting to get there, but the behaviour was not. The masonry boxes wouldn’t bounce back after page resizes, they just hung there, overlapping, limp and pathetic. It was clear that I still had hours and hours to go to get to anything even approaching display-worthy.

It became time to face the inevitable.